Moonimex Academy is always with you so that you can take your first step in the e-commerce world in the most solid way.
starts on
OCTOBER 9, 2023
Why Amazon Sales?
Some Statistics from the Amazon Sales World
Dropshipping Course Topics
- Amazon Merchant Account and Payoneer Bank Account Opening
- Amazon Dropshipping Business Model and Terminology
- Amazon Panel Introduction and Store Settings
- Software Integration and Settings
- Manual and Software Listing
- Product Research - Market Analysis and Helium 10
- Product Research - Coupon Products Research
- Buybox Boosting Study
- Amazon Seller Account Health Protection
- Customer Service and Shipping Performance
- Suspend Process and Crisis Management
- Order Shipment and Tracking
- Return Process and Customer Communication
Arbitrage Course Topics
- Amazon Merchant Account and Payoneer Bank Account Opening
- Amazon Arbitrage Business Model and Terminology
- Amazon Panel Introduction and Store Settings
- Use of Assistive Software in Arbitrage Product Research
- Detailed Cost and Profit Margin Calculations of Products
- Procurement of Products and Detection of Disruptions During Procurement
- Warehouse Usage and Parcel Creation
- Learning FBA Shipping Processes
- Integration and Use of Sellerboard Software
- Stock and Price Control of Products
*After the end of the Bootcamp, successful trainees will be hired as employees at Moonimex Inc.
Why Moonimex Academy?
Some Words
Moonimex Academy was founded by a team with many years of E-commerce and E-export experience. Moonimex Academy, which is the meeting point for global E-export solution partners to provide services to E-export entrepreneurs around the world and for E-export entrepreneurs to reach the solutions they need in global markets, is the leading center offering complete solutions in this sense.
Reflecting the experience of our team, the content of our courses has been carefully determined. By drawing your attention to the important details we mention in our courses, we pave the way for your success.
We carry out our individual and group trainings completely live. In this process, we will show you the transactions to be made through our instantly active sales markets and we will be with you while doing all the transactions. You will see yourself in a fully detailed and fully equipped training plan.
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Wrote About Us
Amazon Business Models
What is Dropshipping?
Also known as dropshipping e-commerce. It is when we buy products from one platform of Amazon and ship them directly to the customer on another platform. In this case, we can only start selling by uploading the product information to our store. We do not make any investment in the product unless the order comes.…
What is Retail Arbitrage?
You can ship orders on Amazon yourself, or you can sell products using Amazon warehouses. We can earn income from the exchange rate difference by finding the same products cheaper than the sites in Turkey and sending these products to the Amazon warehouse in the country we want to sell after going through the necessary…
What is Online Arbitrage?
You can ship orders on Amazon yourself, or you can sell products using Amazon warehouses. We find cheaper products from countries outside Turkey and send these products to contracted warehouses abroad. After the transactions are completed in the warehouses, we can earn income from the price difference by sending it to the Amazon warehouse in…
What is Wholesale?
We reach the wholesalers of the products already on sale and reach agreements with these wholesalers. Afterwards, bulk product purchases are made and the product is stored either in the Amazon warehouse or in our contracted warehouses. As sales come from the products uploaded to Amazon sites as authorized, the products are shipped.
What is Private Label?
It is called selling the products that you produce or have an opportunity in terms of production under a new brand and ASIN on Amazon. Although this business model makes a lot of sense at the beginning, it is not recommended for beginners because it covers almost all other business models. It has too many…
What is FBA? What is FBM?
We reach the wholesalers of the products already on sale and reach agreements with these wholesalers. Afterwards, bulk product purchases are made and the product is stored either in the Amazon warehouse or in our contracted warehouses. As sales come from the products uploaded to Amazon sites as authorized, the products are shipped. This is…
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